Houseplants in the bedroom

Houseplants in the bedroom

Slept well! All about the topic: sus­tainable sleep 04/21 House­plants in the bedroom House­plants have been used as deco­ra­tion in our flats and houses for a long time – they create cosi­ness and are aes­the­tic. But should they also be pla­ced in our bedrooms?...
We are still there for you!

We are still there for you!

In the spi­rit of health, we have taken all necessary hygiene and pro­tec­tive mea­su­res and will con­ti­nue to main­tain our pro­duc­tion. We will con­ti­nue to pro­cess all orders that reach us. 100% made in Ger­many helps us to do so. Out of con­cern for human...
Our green footprint!

Our green footprint!

Our green foot­print The Inter­na­tio­nal Trade Asso­cia­tion of the Down and Fea­ther Indus­try has com­mis­sio­ned an inde­pen­dent third-party com­pany to con­duct a life cycle ana­ly­sis of down and fea­thers. Com­pa­red to stan­dard poly­es­ter fil­lings the...
New Website

New Website

New Web­site The new HANSKRUCHEN web­site has laun­ched. Here you will find inte­res­ting infor­ma­tion on our pro­ducts, insights into the com­pany and much more. Con­tact   HANSKRUCHEN GmbHSchu­ckert­strasse 348153 Müns­t­er­Ger­many    Phone: +49 251...