Cozy, Comfortable
Airy light and wonderfully warm

We want you to sleep well

Restful sleep streng­thens us to cope with all those small and lar­ger tasks in ever­y­day life. Espe­ci­ally eider­downs – due to their uni­que tex­ture – let you sleep well. They com­bine high ela­s­ti­city with excep­tio­nal lof­ting capa­bi­lity and low weight. Warm­ing and mois­ture-regu­la­ting, duvets are the ideal com­pa­n­ions for a good nigh­t’s sleep.

Family tradition for over 100 years

Premium. Exquisite. HANSKRUCHEN.

HANSKRUCHEN is one of the incre­asingly rare family busi­nesses in Ger­many. The Kru­chen family has been known for first-class bed­ding for over 119 years. In 1900 Josef Kru­chen foun­ded a bed fea­ther fac­tory in Telgte, in the heart of the Müns­ter­land region, where he pro­du­ced fea­thers and down for high-qua­lity down duvets and pil­lows. The fol­lo­wing gene­ra­ti­ons con­tin­ued the pro­duc­tion of luxury bedding.

A heart for animal welfare

The spe­cies-appro­priate bree­ding and care pro­vi­des an unpar­al­le­led down qua­lity. Arti­fi­cial raw mate­ri­als, turbo-fat­tening and down taken from living ani­mals are strictly rejec­ted in our manu­fac­tory. This is gua­ran­teed by per­so­nal cont­act and regu­lar qua­lity con­trol of sup­pli­ers. You will find the “Green Goose” label on all pro­ducts of the HANSKRUCHEN bed­ding collection.

Our green footprint

Down is a pure natu­ral pro­duct, eco­lo­gi­cal, envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly and recy­clable. Our down is carefully clea­ned in an envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly washing pro­cess, sor­ted and wrap­ped by hand with high-qua­lity and natu­ral mate­ri­als in num­e­rous envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly steps. This is how we create sus­tainable bed­ding that will accom­pany you for a long time.

Quality made in Germany

The pro­ces­sing of the raw mate­ri­als and the pro­duc­tion of the down duvets and pil­lows is car­ried out in the manu­fac­tory in Ger­man Müns­ter­land / West­pha­lia. The tra­di­tio­nal pro­ces­sing and the uni­que qua­lity of the fil­lings and fabrics gua­ran­tee long-term healthy sleep.

Genuine handwork

Our pro­ducts made of natu­ral down are pro­ces­sed in our tra­di­tio­nal manu­fac­tu­ring plant in Müns­ter­land, Ger­many. HANSKRUCHEN com­bi­nes hand­craf­ted per­fec­tion and hig­hest stan­dards with future-ori­en­ted pro­duct con­cepts. The brand stands for hand­made high-qua­lity products.

As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

Pro­ducts for restful sleep
See our assortment
Current topics


We are coming, Heimtextil 2021!

We are coming, Heimtextil 2021!

We are coming, Heim­tex­til 2021! From 14th to 16th Sep­tem­ber 2021, the exhi­bi­tion “Heim­tex­til” will take place in Moscow and we will be pre­sent with a stand in the “Ger­man Pavi­lion”. This year’s Heim­tex­til is our first inter­na­tio­nal trade fair and we are alre­ady very…

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CUIN There are various values that catch your eye when loo­king for a sui­ta­ble down duvet — for exam­ple the weight, the ratio of down and fea­thers or the bul­ki­ness. The CUIN value (CUIN = cubic inches) indi­ca­tes the bul­ki­ness of the down. It is an inter­na­tio­nal unit of…

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For the “just right for me” feeling!

For the “just right for me” feeling!

For the “just right for me” fee­ling! Our down duvets in gene­ral dif­fer from each other in seve­ral aspects. For exam­ple, regar­ding the size, the fil­ling or also the warmth clas­ses. Our latest article is about our dif­fe­rent warmth levels! Our sleep is negatively…

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Possible filling materials of a duvet and their differences

Possible filling materials of a duvet and their differences

Pos­si­ble fil­ling mate­ri­als of a duvet and their dif­fe­ren­ces  We spend a lot of time in our lives in bed, snug­g­led up in duvets. For a restful nigh­t’s sleep, you should the­r­e­fore take a close look at the choice of the right blan­ket. Every per­son beha­ves differently…

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Customer feedback

Customer feedback

The cus­to­mer is the dri­ver! Tha­t’s why we use cus­to­mer sur­veys to make the right decis­i­ons. We gather your feed­back via social media but also directly from the POS by our sales reps. Recently we asked to change the colour of the bor­der on our bags from orange to gold.…

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Houseplants in the bedroom

Houseplants in the bedroom

Slept well! All about the topic: sus­tainable sleep 04/21 House­plants in the bed­room House­plants have been used as deco­ra­tion in our flats and hou­ses for a long time – they create cosi­ness and are aes­the­tic. But should they also be pla­ced in our bed­rooms? Plants…

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Mouth and nose masks from 100% cotton

Mouth and nose masks from 100% cotton

Due to recent events we have expan­ded our pro­duct range. We now also pro­duce mouth-nose masks made of cot­ton. Of course, our core assort­ment remains available, too. With this mea­sure we would like to con­tri­bute our part to stop the spread of the virus.The production…

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Our green footprint!

Our green footprint!

  Our green foot­print The Inter­na­tio­nal Trade Asso­cia­tion of the Down and Fea­ther Indus­try has com­mis­sio­ned an inde­pen­dent third-party com­pany to con­duct a life cycle ana­ly­sis of down and fea­thers. Com­pared to stan­dard poly­es­ter fil­lings the effects on the…

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New Website

New Website

The new HANSKRUCHEN web­site with inte­res­t­ing infor­ma­tion, insights into the com­pany and much more.

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Schu­ckertstrasse 3
48153 Müns­ter


Phone: +49 251 14120–0
Fax: +49 251 14120–15
Mon — Fri 8:00 ‑17:00


Do you have any ques­ti­ons or are you loo­king for a regio­nal retailer of our pro­ducts? Would you like some advice on how to find the right down pro­duct for you? Then get in touch with us.


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