Slept well!

All about the topic: sus­tainable sleep 04/21

House­plants in the bedroom

House­plants have been used as deco­ra­tion in our flats and hou­ses for a long time – they create cosi­ness and are aes­the­tic. But should they also be pla­ced in our bedrooms?

Plants con­vert car­bon dioxide (CO2) into oxy­gen through pho­to­syn­the­sis, can reduce the con­cen­tra­tion of harmful gases in the room and increase the level of germ-free humi­dity. Toxic gases can enter the home for exam­ple through pla­s­tic or deter­gents. Most plants can only con­vert CO2 to oxy­gen during the day and emit a small amount of CO2 at night. Howe­ver, there

are also some plants that do not need day­light for this pro­cess. These include, for exam­ple, aloe vera or bow­string hemp, which are the­r­e­fore par­ti­cu­larly sui­ta­ble for the bedroom.

Accor­ding to NASA’s “Clean Air” study, one house­plant per 9m2 is recom­men­ded, i.e. about 1 to 2 plants per room. In their expe­ri­ment, the plants were in a tightly clo­sed room, which is the reason why the results can­not be applied 1:1 to one’s own home.

There are also some plants that are not sui­ta­ble for the bed­room – fra­grant plants can cause hea­da­ches. You should also check before­hand whe­ther you have any all­er­gies. Restful sleep is not pos­si­ble with hea­da­ches or all­er­gic reactions.

If you alre­ady have a pro­blem with humi­dity in your flat, do not keep too many plants so that the pro­blem is not aggrava­ted. Gene­rally spea­king, it is important to regu­larly ven­ti­late the bed­room. If there are plants in the bed­room, it is even more important. In this way, mould can be avo­ided and fresh air can be brought in from outside.

We con­clude that plants can beau­tify the bed­room and improve our sleep through bet­ter air. Howe­ver, there should not be too many plants and it is bet­ter to use only those for the slee­ping area that also give off oxy­gen at night. Plants in the bed­room are good but not neces­sary for seve­ral reasons.

Sleep well!


