Possible filling materials of a duvet and their differences 

We spend a lot of time in our lives in bed, snug­g­led up in duvets. For a restful nigh­t’s sleep, you should the­r­e­fore take a close look at the choice of the right blan­ket. Every per­son beha­ves dif­fer­ently during sleep, which is why you should work out the most important expec­ta­ti­ons of a blan­ket for yours­elf. Thus, the per­fect blan­ket should be indi­vi­du­ally adapted to you. Today we will take a look at dif­fe­rent fil­ling mate­ri­als for duvets and briefly describe their pro­per­ties. Enjoy reading!

Down & feathers

We start with down and fea­thers, the most clas­sic and well-known fil­ling for duvets. We are spe­cia­li­sed in down and fea­thers, which is why we only use this fil­ling mate­rial for our products.

Down duvets are very light and cosy. For the same weight, they are con­sider­a­bly war­mer and more mois­ture-regu­la­ting than syn­the­tic pro­ducts. One of the reasons for this is that down absorbs mois­ture up to 15 times bet­ter and forms air cushions with its little arms in which the warmth is stored. A duvet with this fil­ling can con­tain goose down and/or duck down, wher­eby these must make up a pro­por­tion of at least 60%. Our down duvets have a down con­tent of at least 90%, so they are extre­mely light but still cosy and warm.

Con­trary to some rumours, down duvets are per­fectly sui­ta­ble for peo­ple with all­er­gies. The down-proof and thus also mite-proof inlet means that mites don’t stand a chance. In addi­tion, down bed­ding can be washed at 60°C.

Syn­the­tic fabrics

The second cate­gory, syn­the­tic fabrics, is divi­ded into two fil­ling mate­ri­als: micro­fibre and Lyo­cell. Gene­rally, duvets with a syn­the­tic fil­ling can be washed at high tem­pe­ra­tures and thus also regu­larly clea­ned of mites and bac­te­ria. A big advan­tage of this fil­ling is cle­arly the price. Duvets fil­led with syn­the­tic fabrics are much che­a­per than down duvets, alt­hough nowa­days only high-qua­lity syn­the­tic duvets are able to imi­tate almost all the pro­per­ties of down.


Duvets with a micro­fibre fil­ling are very breat­ha­ble and remove mois­ture in a simi­lar way to sports­wear. In direct com­pa­ri­son to down duvets, they have lower pro­per­ties in terms of mois­ture permeability.


Lyo­cell is par­ti­cu­larly breat­ha­ble and soft. This mate­rial impres­ses with its very good mois­ture trans­port and is par­ti­cu­larly sui­ta­ble for peo­ple with a medium heat requirement.

Natu­ral hair

Natu­ral hair duvets are air-per­meable and warm very well. In the fol­lo­wing, we will mainly dis­cuss four natu­ral hair fil­lings — cot­ton, cash­mere, silk and camel fluff.


Cot­ton is very plea­sant to the skin, but usually has a rather low warm­ing effect. Cot­ton duvets have a high ela­s­ti­city and are extre­mely easy to care for. With this fil­ling mate­rial it is important to look out for the desi­gna­tion “kbA” (con­trol­led orga­nic cul­ti­va­tion), this ensu­res that the cot­ton has not been trea­ted with toxic chemicals.


Cash­mere is the finest and most valuable natu­ral hair used for duvets. It is par­ti­cu­larly sui­ta­ble for peo­ple who need a lot of warmth, as this fil­ling mate­rial is espe­ci­ally warm­ing. Com­pared to a down duvet, the cash­mere duvet is con­sider­a­bly hea­vier and not as puffy. Howe­ver, the mate­rial is still par­ti­cu­larly soft and plea­sant to the skin. You can­not wash cash­mere blan­kets at home; they have to be taken to the dry cleaners.


Silk has a coo­ling and tem­pe­ra­ture-balan­cing effect and is the­r­e­fore ideal for peo­ple with a low heat requi­re­ment. This is why silk is mainly used for sum­mer blankets.

Camel fluff

Blan­kets with a camel fluff fil­ling are very high qua­lity but unfort­u­na­tely can­not be washed at home. You also have to take these blan­kets to the dry clea­ner. On the one hand, the mate­rial is sui­ta­ble for heavy swea­ters, on the other hand, it is also sui­ta­ble for peo­ple who need a lot of warmth at night. The camel fluff has very good warmth pro­per­ties and bes­i­des that a good mois­ture regu­la­tion. Com­pared to a down duvet the mate­rial is con­sider­a­bly hea­vier and not as puffy.

There are many mate­ri­als that are used to fill duvets. You have to find the per­fect mate­rial for yours­elf, because sleep is indi­vi­dual. It is important that you neither sweat nor freeze at night, as this has a nega­tive effect on your sleep. Before buy­ing a duvet, think about whe­ther you sweat at night, freeze, pre­fer a heavy or a light duvet and tell your bed­ding specialist.







Schu­ckertstrasse 3
48153 Müns­ter


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Mon — Fri 8:00 ‑17:00