For the “just right for me” feeling!

Our down duvets in gene­ral dif­fer from each other in seve­ral aspects. For exam­ple, regar­ding the size, the fil­ling or also the warmth classes.

Our latest article is about our dif­fe­rent warmth levels!

Our sleep is nega­tively affec­ted by nightly free­zing or swea­ting and we often feel tense or not well res­ted the next mor­ning. To avoid this and to do jus­tice to the indi­vi­dual sleep of each per­son, we have dif­fe­rent heat levels and gra­des of hard­ness in our range:

Extra Warm, Warm, Medium, Light and Extra Light.

So, every side, sto­mach and back slee­per will find the right blan­ket and pillow. 

Which level is best for you depends on seve­ral fac­tors. You should con­sider the tem­pe­ra­ture in your bed­room when making your decis­ion, but also the facts whe­ther you sleep alone under the blan­ket and whe­ther you gene­rally sweat quickly at night or not.

If the tem­pe­ra­ture in your bed­room is up to 16°C we recom­mend the warmth level “Warm”, up to 18°C “Medium”, up to 21°C “Light” and for tem­pe­ra­tures above these you should choose an “Extra Light” down duvet.

Howe­ver, if you share the duvet with ano­ther per­son, we recom­mend choo­sing the next ligh­test heat level, as two bodies alre­ady con­tri­bute a hig­her amount of warmth.

So that you can sleep well at any tem­pe­ra­ture, we have the right warmth class for every situa­tion — ideal for night owls, slee­py­heads and dreamers.



Schu­ckertstrasse 3
48153 Müns­ter


Phone: +49 251 14120–0
Fax: +49 251 14120–15
Mon — Fri 8:00 ‑17:00