The subtle but important difference

An artwork of nature

Good for you. Good for the envi­ron­ment. And at the same time so won­derfully fluffy and soft. Duvets and pil­lows with down and fea­ther fil­lings are more popu­lar than ever. The small air cushions in each indi­vi­dual down create the cli­mate-regu­la­ting pro­per­ties and let us sleep really well. The raw mate­ri­als used are of purely natu­ral ori­gin and offer a long ser­vice life while remai­ning easy to care for – more sus­taina­bi­lity is hardly possible.

For the “just right for me” feeling

Dif­fe­rent sizes | dif­fe­rent levels of warmth – ever­y­thing can be com­bi­ned to suit your spe­ci­fic needs. Thanks to NOMITE and DAUNASAUN cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, bed­ding from HANSKRUCHEN is also ide­ally sui­ted for allergy suf­fe­rers. You can also find the ideal pil­low for your favo­rite slee­ping posi­tion to com­ple­ment your new down duvet. No mat­ter if you are a sto­mach or side sleeper.

Full of craftsmanship and love

A duvet looks simple but the manu­fac­tu­ring is very deman­ding! Pro­du­cing it not only requi­res a good pre­pa­ra­tion of the down and raw mate­ri­als, but also careful pro­ces­sing and craft­sman­ship. Since 1900 this know­ledge has been pas­sed on from gene­ra­tion to gene­ra­tion. Our employees at HANSKRUCHEN know exactly what they are doing and how to create a new duvet for our deman­ding cus­to­mers in num­e­rous work steps. 100 % manu­fac­tu­red in Germany.

Made in Germany

What is spe­cial about our pro­ducts might not be obvious at first glance. This pro­duct stands for an envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly con­cept, which allows only tes­ted mate­ri­als for the manu­fac­tu­ring of down pro­ducts. The down and fea­thers come from appro­priate ani­mal wel­fare. Down and fea­thers have a filigree struc­ture which results in great ela­s­ti­city, excep­tio­nal lof­ting capa­bi­lity and light weight. Thanks to these uni­que pro­per­ties, down enc­lo­ses a lot of air and is warm­ing and mois­ture regu­la­ting at the same time. That is why only down duvets are airy light and won­derfully warm – the per­fect air con­di­tio­ner for the bed.

Order cushions directly with your duvet

The icing on the cake for restful sleep is a matching pil­low, which is just as sup­port­ive as you need it and yet so soft and sup­ple that you can­not wait to get to sleep. We offer a ver­sa­tile coll­ec­tion of HANSKRUCHEN pil­lows in various for­mats which com­bine fil­lings made of ela­s­tic fea­thers for the requi­red sup­port and sup­ple down for the neces­sary soft­ness. All pil­lows are washa­ble up to 60° and sui­ta­ble for tumble drying.

From the blanket to the topper

Our product range

From the cozy blan­ket to the favo­rite cuddly pil­low to the cradle bed — the high-qua­lity pro­ducts from the HANSKRUCHEN range are tail­o­red to your wis­hes and needs. The­r­e­fore, we offer you a wide sel­ec­tion of sizes, fil­lings and heat levels in all areas around good sleep. For big and small dreamers.

Down comforters

Handmade comforters for every season

The pre­mium down from HANSKRUCHEN is known for its balan­ced warmth pro­per­ties and opti­mal mois­ture regu­la­tion. Pro­ces­sed by hand in our com­fort­ers, they thus ensure a plea­sant sleep and a res­ted mor­ning — and that at a low weight. The dif­fe­rent warmth levels and sizes from our range offer the right ans­wer to indi­vi­dual sleep needs for every sleep type.

How to find your perfect blanket?

1. How warm is it in your bedroom?

Down com­fort­ers — The air con­di­tio­ner in your bed
With the right heat level, you’ll never be too cold or too hot!

The­r­e­fore, depen­ding on the sea­son and the tem­pe­ra­ture in your bed­room, you can choose bet­ween dif­fe­rent heat classes.

2. Are you taller than 1.75m?

If you are tal­ler than 175 cm, you should choose a down com­forter size 155 x 220 cm or lar­ger for your slee­ping com­fort. The extra length of your down com­forter will allow you to rest in a rela­xed slee­ping position.

3. Do you sleep as a couple under your down comforter

  • Sin­gle blan­ket: 135 to 200 cm wide
  • Dou­ble com­forter: 240 to 260 cm wide

If you want to enjoy your com­forter tog­e­ther opti­mally, we recom­mend you to choose one heat level lighter!

Pos­si­ble sizes

  • 135 x 200/220 cm
  • 155 x 200/220 cm
  • 200 x 200/220 cm
  • 240 x 220 cm
  • Spe­cial sizes on request!

By the way: Each of our down pro­ducts is washa­ble up to 60 ° C and sui­ta­ble for dry­ers. Howe­ver, we recom­mend having the pro­ducts pro­fes­sio­nally clea­ned so that the down is gua­ran­teed to stay nice and puffy.


Relaxation begins only in and under your head.

When you review the day in the evening, your thoughts also calm down. This is just as important a pre­re­qui­site for restful sleep as a high-qua­lity pil­low that allows you to find the opti­mal res­t­ing position.

Bet­ween today and tomor­row, a good night!

Not­hing is as indi­vi­dual as the needs for a pil­low. Whe­ther you are a sto­mach , side or back slee­per: the HANSKRUCHEN pil­low range offers a sui­ta­ble solu­tion for every sleep type.

Tummy sleepers

Tummy slee­pers need a pil­low that they can sink into and cuddle with.

Side sleepers

Side slee­pers need a sup­port­ive pil­low that is both cozy and soft for the head.

Back sleepers

For back slee­pers, a com­pact pil­low is sui­ta­ble. The degree of sup­port is cru­cial to avoid neck pain.

Tummy sleepers

Tummy slee­pers need a pil­low that they can sink into and cuddle with.

Side sleepers

Side slee­pers need a sup­port­ive pil­low that is both cozy and soft for the head.

Back sleepers

For back slee­pers, a com­pact pil­low is sui­ta­ble. The degree of sup­port is cru­cial to avoid neck pain.

Tummy sleepers

Tummy slee­pers need a pil­low that they can sink into and cuddle with.

Side sleepers

Side slee­pers need a sup­port­ive pil­low that is both cozy and soft for the head.

Back sleepers

For back slee­pers, a com­pact pil­low is sui­ta­ble. The degree of sup­port is cru­cial to avoid neck pain.

Support force

Our ergo­no­mic pil­lows are available with 4 dif­fe­rent sup­port forces. This can reli­eve pres­sure on the cer­vical spine and reduce the likeli­hood of neck pain. The pil­lows are available in a wide range of sizes. From an ergo­no­mic per­spec­tive, we recom­mend the rec­tan­gu­lar shape of the pillow.

Classic pillow

All HANSKRUCHEN pil­lows are covered with high qua­lity 100% cot­ton fabrics. They are down-proof and sui­ta­ble for allergy suf­fe­rers.
The clas­sic fil­lings of the pil­lows are

  • 85% fea­thers and 15% down,
  • 70% fea­thers and 30% down or
  • 40% fea­thers and 60% down.

It thus sup­ports a per­fect sleep.

3‑chamber pillow

The three-cham­ber pil­low is soft yet has a sup­port­ive func­tion. The com­bi­na­tion of cozy down in the outer cham­bers and fea­thers in the inner cham­ber makes the pil­low soft yet sup­port­ive.
The outer cham­bers have a blend ratio of 90% down and 10% fea­thers. Inside 100% fea­thers (these are abso­lut­ely neces­sary to ensure the sup­port function).

Children’s assortment

Only the best for the little ones!

A new human life needs extra care and pro­tec­tion. So that your new­born sleeps well, we have deve­lo­ped our child­ren’s range.

For exam­ple, the HANSKRUCHENcrib: Airy, light and at the same time mois­ture-regu­la­ting, it is ide­ally sui­ted for the jour­ney with the strol­ler. Your child is always as if on clouds due to the com­fort­ing pro­per­ties of the down. 

Dimen­si­ons: 80 x 80 cm

Our baby flat pil­low is a com­for­ta­ble base for your baby. Head and neck lie on the pil­low par­ti­cu­larly soft and are the­r­e­fore ide­ally sui­ted for newborns.

Dimen­si­ons: 40 x 60 cm

Our cribs are available in two ver­si­ons, so that they pro­vide a plea­sant slee­ping fee­ling and secu­rity on both warm and cold days.

Dimen­si­ons: 100 x 135 cm

Our down pro­ducts made of natu­ral mate­ri­als are down-proof, thus also mite-proof and per­fectly sui­ta­ble for allergy suf­fe­rers. In addi­tion, they can be washed at 60°C, are easy to care for and the­r­e­fore ideal for child­ren and babies.

Couch cushion

Short vacation on the sofa: with bolster, cuddle or sofa pillow

A little nap, a really good book again or sim­ply a cozy evening wat­ching TV: The sofa often takes on the role of a res­t­ing place in our ever­y­day lives. To cele­brate this after all forms of art, our pro­duct range extends from bols­ters to sofa cushions in various sizes.

We want you to sleep well!

The fil­ling of all pil­lows varies accor­ding to the cus­to­mer’s wis­hes.
Our deco­ra­tive and deco­ra­tive pil­lows are very cuddly due to their fil­ling and yet remain dimen­sio­nally sta­ble. Our cuddly pil­lows, also cal­led com­fort­ers, are the ideal tra­vel com­pa­n­ion for peo­ple of all ages.

Mattress topper

Our mattress toppers will catch you like on clouds!

Our top­pers pro­tect and sta­bi­lize any mat­tress. The mat­tress top­pers adapt to the body and thus reli­eve the pres­sure on the spine. They serve as an addi­tio­nal luxu­rious com­fort and a healthy care for your mattress.

The uni­que com­bi­na­tion of down and Micro Sof­tys pro­vi­des an adap­ta­ble volume to the top­per and a healthy slee­ping posi­tion. Breat­ha­ble, super-soft down pro­vi­des the extra com­fort and bulk, while Micro Sof­tys deli­ver the long-las­ting sup­port and resi­li­ence. We offer you pure soft­ness! You won’t find noti­ceable quills like you would with other pro­ducts.
Mat­tress top­pers with down and fea­ther fil­lings are more popu­lar than ever. They pro­vide very good mois­ture trans­port and have excel­lent cli­mate con­trol properties

We want you to sleep well!

The mat­tress top­per is equip­ped with four ela­s­tic bands at the cor­ners, which pre­vent it from slip­ping on the mattress.

Like all down pro­ducts from HANSKRUCHEN, the mat­tress top­per is also sui­ta­ble for allergy suf­fe­rers and is easily washable.

Down comforters

Handmade comforters for every season

The pre­mium down from HANSKRUCHEN is known for its balan­ced warmth pro­per­ties and opti­mal mois­ture regu­la­tion. Pro­ces­sed by hand in our com­fort­ers, they thus ensure a plea­sant sleep and a res­ted mor­ning — and that at a low weight. The dif­fe­rent warmth levels and sizes from our range offer the right ans­wer to indi­vi­dual sleep needs for every sleep type.

How to find your perfect blanket?

1. How warm is it in your bedroom?

Down com­fort­ers — The air con­di­tio­ner in your bed
With the right heat level, you’ll never be too cold or too hot!

The­r­e­fore, depen­ding on the sea­son and the tem­pe­ra­ture in your bed­room, you can choose bet­ween dif­fe­rent heat classes.

2. Are you taller than 1.75m?

If you are tal­ler than 175 cm, you should choose a down com­forter size 155 x 220 cm or lar­ger for your slee­ping com­fort. The extra length of your down com­forter will allow you to rest in a rela­xed slee­ping position.

3. Do you sleep as a couple under your down comforter

  • Sin­gle blan­ket: 135 to 200 cm wide
  • Dou­ble com­forter: 240 to 260 cm wide

If you want to enjoy your com­forter tog­e­ther opti­mally, we recom­mend you to choose one heat level lighter!

Pos­si­ble sizes

  • 135 x 200/220 cm
  • 155 x 200/220 cm
  • 200 x 200/220 cm
  • 240 x 220 cm
  • Spe­cial sizes on request!

By the way: Each of our down pro­ducts is washa­ble up to 60 ° C and sui­ta­ble for dry­ers. Howe­ver, we recom­mend having the pro­ducts pro­fes­sio­nally clea­ned so that the down is gua­ran­teed to stay nice and puffy.


Relaxation begins only in and under your head.

When you review the day in the evening, your thoughts also calm down. This is just as important a pre­re­qui­site for restful sleep as a high-qua­lity pil­low that allows you to find the opti­mal res­t­ing position.

Bet­ween today and tomor­row, a good night!

Not­hing is as indi­vi­dual as the needs for a pil­low. Whe­ther you are a sto­mach , side or back slee­per: the HANSKRUCHEN pil­low range offers a sui­ta­ble solu­tion for every sleep type.

Tummy sleepers

Tummy slee­pers need a pil­low that they can sink into and cuddle with.

Side sleepers

Side slee­pers need a sup­port­ive pil­low that is both cozy and soft for the head.

Back sleepers

For back slee­pers, a com­pact pil­low is sui­ta­ble. The degree of sup­port is cru­cial to avoid neck pain.

Tummy sleepers

Tummy slee­pers need a pil­low that they can sink into and cuddle with.

Side sleepers

Side slee­pers need a sup­port­ive pil­low that is both cozy and soft for the head.

Back sleepers

For back slee­pers, a com­pact pil­low is sui­ta­ble. The degree of sup­port is cru­cial to avoid neck pain.

Tummy sleepers

Tummy slee­pers need a pil­low that they can sink into and cuddle with.

Side sleepers

Side slee­pers need a sup­port­ive pil­low that is both cozy and soft for the head.

Back sleepers

For back slee­pers, a com­pact pil­low is sui­ta­ble. The degree of sup­port is cru­cial to avoid neck pain.

Support force

Our ergo­no­mic pil­lows are available with 4 dif­fe­rent sup­port forces. This can reli­eve pres­sure on the cer­vical spine and reduce the likeli­hood of neck pain. The pil­lows are available in a wide range of sizes. From an ergo­no­mic per­spec­tive, we recom­mend the rec­tan­gu­lar shape of the pillow.

Classic pillow

All HANSKRUCHEN pil­lows are covered with high qua­lity 100% cot­ton fabrics. They are down-proof and sui­ta­ble for allergy suf­fe­rers.
The clas­sic fil­lings of the pil­lows are

  • 85% fea­thers and 15% down,
  • 70% fea­thers and 30% down or
  • 40% fea­thers and 60% down.

It thus sup­ports a per­fect sleep.

3‑chamber pillow

The three-cham­ber pil­low is soft yet has a sup­port­ive func­tion. The com­bi­na­tion of cozy down in the outer cham­bers and fea­thers in the inner cham­ber makes the pil­low soft yet sup­port­ive.
The outer cham­bers have a blend ratio of 90% down and 10% fea­thers. Inside 100% fea­thers (these are abso­lut­ely neces­sary to ensure the sup­port function).

Children’s assortment

Only the best for the little ones!

A new human life needs extra care and pro­tec­tion. So that your new­born sleeps well, we have deve­lo­ped our child­ren’s range.

For exam­ple, the HANSKRUCHENcrib: Airy, light and at the same time mois­ture-regu­la­ting, it is ide­ally sui­ted for the jour­ney with the strol­ler. Your child is always as if on clouds due to the com­fort­ing pro­per­ties of the down. 

Dimen­si­ons: 80 x 80 cm

Our baby flat pil­low is a com­for­ta­ble base for your baby. Head and neck lie on the pil­low par­ti­cu­larly soft and are the­r­e­fore ide­ally sui­ted for newborns.

Dimen­si­ons: 40 x 60 cm

Our cribs are available in two ver­si­ons, so that they pro­vide a plea­sant slee­ping fee­ling and secu­rity on both warm and cold days.

Dimen­si­ons: 100 x 135 cm

Our down pro­ducts made of natu­ral mate­ri­als are down-proof, thus also mite-proof and per­fectly sui­ta­ble for allergy suf­fe­rers. In addi­tion, they can be washed at 60°C, are easy to care for and the­r­e­fore ideal for child­ren and babies.

Couch cushion

Short vacation on the sofa: with bolster, cuddle or sofa pillow

A little nap, a really good book again or sim­ply a cozy evening wat­ching TV: The sofa often takes on the role of a res­t­ing place in our ever­y­day lives. To cele­brate this after all forms of art, our pro­duct range extends from bols­ters to sofa cushions in various sizes.

We want you to sleep well!

The fil­ling of all pil­lows varies accor­ding to the cus­to­mer’s wis­hes.
Our deco­ra­tive and deco­ra­tive pil­lows are very cuddly due to their fil­ling and yet remain dimen­sio­nally sta­ble. Our cuddly pil­lows, also cal­led com­fort­ers, are the ideal tra­vel com­pa­n­ion for peo­ple of all ages.

Mattress topper

Our mattress toppers will catch you like on clouds!

Our top­pers pro­tect and sta­bi­lize any mat­tress. The mat­tress top­pers adapt to the body and thus reli­eve the pres­sure on the spine. They serve as an addi­tio­nal luxu­rious com­fort and a healthy care for your mattress.

The uni­que com­bi­na­tion of down and Micro Sof­tys pro­vi­des an adap­ta­ble volume to the top­per and a healthy slee­ping posi­tion. Breat­ha­ble, super-soft down pro­vi­des the extra com­fort and bulk, while Micro Sof­tys deli­ver the long-las­ting sup­port and resi­li­ence. We offer you pure soft­ness! You won’t find noti­ceable quills like you would with other pro­ducts.
Mat­tress top­pers with down and fea­ther fil­lings are more popu­lar than ever. They pro­vide very good mois­ture trans­port and have excel­lent cli­mate con­trol properties

We want you to sleep well!

The mat­tress top­per is equip­ped with four ela­s­tic bands at the cor­ners, which pre­vent it from slip­ping on the mattress.

Like all down pro­ducts from HANSKRUCHEN, the mat­tress top­per is also sui­ta­ble for allergy suf­fe­rers and is easily washable.

Grüne Gans: Green goose — good feeling

Our contribution to a healthier environment

Good sleep should be accom­pa­nied by a good con­sci­ence. The­r­e­fore, our down comes from spe­cies-appro­priate ani­mal wel­fare and is not obtai­ned from living ani­mals. This is most important to us and is not only con­trol­led by our HANSKRUCHEN team, but also moni­to­red by the inde­pen­dent test­ing insti­tute Wess­ling. The best proof of this is the Grüne Gans (“Green Goose”) seal on every HANSKRUCHEN product.

Grüne Gans® is our green foot­print. Down is a rene­wa­ble raw mate­rial. But not only down, also fea­thers are a totally eco­lo­gi­cal, envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly and recy­clable natu­ral pro­duct. For our pro­ducts we only use down from geese and ducks coming from appro­priate ani­mal wel­fare and sel­ec­ted sup­pli­ers. We do not use down and fea­thers obtai­ned from living ani­mals. The down is refi­ned in an envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly washing pro­cess accor­ding to the latest bio­tech­no­lo­gi­cal stan­dards and pro­ces­sed in an envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly way.

Bild Übersicht Produkte

Com­fort­ers and pil­lows with the Nomite sign are ideal for allergy suf­fe­rers. The down-proof fabric pre­vents the for­ma­tion of house dust mites, and the rapid reduc­tion of mois­ture when airing the room crea­tes a mite-unfri­endly cli­mate. The Nomite brand gua­ran­tees that HANSKRUCHEN meets the cri­te­ria of the Ger­man Insti­tute for Stan­dar­diza­tion (accor­ding to PAS 1008, DIN EN 13186).

A docu­men­tary tracea­bi­lity sys­tem pro­ves that the fil­ling mate­rial was obtai­ned in accordance with appli­ca­ble ani­mal wel­fare laws for this pro­duct. Only deter­gents that pro­tect the envi­ron­ment and pre­serve the natu­ral­ness of fea­thers and down are used during pro­ces­sing. At the end of the product’s life cycle, the fil­ling mate­rial can be com­pos­ted wit­hout any problems.



Schu­ckertstrasse 3
48153 Müns­ter


Phone: +49 251 14120–0
Fax: +49 251 14120–15
Mon — Fri 8:00 ‑17:00