Privacy policy

Important Note: In case of doubt, only the ori­gi­nal Ger­man ver­sion (Daten­schutz­er­klä­rung) is valid. 

Name and cont­act of the respon­si­ble party accor­ding to article 4 para­graph 7 DSGVO
Schu­ckertstrasse 3
48153 Müns­ter

Phone: +49 251 14120–0
Fax: +49 251 14120–15

Secu­rity and pro­tec­tion of your per­so­nal data
We con­sider it our pri­mary respon­si­bi­lity to main­tain the con­fi­den­tia­lity of the per­so­nal infor­ma­tion you pro­vide and to pro­tect it from unaut­ho­ri­zed access. The­r­e­fore, we apply the utmost care and state-of-the-art secu­rity stan­dards to ensure maxi­mum pro­tec­tion of your per­so­nal data.
As a com­pany under pri­vate law, we are sub­ject to the pro­vi­si­ons of the Euro­pean Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion (DSGVO) and the regu­la­ti­ons of the Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Act (BDSG). We have taken tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal mea­su­res to ensure that the regu­la­ti­ons on data pro­tec­tion are obser­ved both by us and by our exter­nal ser­vice providers.

The legis­la­tor requi­res that per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed lawfully, fairly and in a way that is com­pre­hen­si­ble to the data sub­ject (“lawful­ness, fair­ness, trans­pa­rency”). To ensure this, we inform you about the indi­vi­dual legal defi­ni­ti­ons that are also used in this pri­vacy policy:

1. Per­so­nal Data
“Per­so­nal data” shall mean any infor­ma­tion rela­ted to an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fia­ble natu­ral per­son (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “data sub­ject”); an iden­ti­fia­ble per­son is one who can be iden­ti­fied, directly or indi­rectly, in par­ti­cu­lar by refe­rence to an iden­ti­fier such as a name, an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber, a loca­tion data, an online iden­ti­fier, or one or more fac­tors spe­ci­fic to the phy­si­cal, phy­sio­lo­gi­cal, gene­tic, men­tal, eco­no­mic, cul­tu­ral or social iden­tity of that natu­ral person.

2. Pro­ces­sing
“Pro­ces­sing” means any ope­ra­tion or set of ope­ra­ti­ons, per­for­med upon per­so­nal data, whe­ther or not by auto­ma­tic means, such as coll­ec­tion, recor­ding, orga­niza­tion, fil­ing, sto­rage, adapt­a­tion or altera­tion, retrie­val, con­sul­ta­tion, use, dis­clo­sure by trans­mis­sion, dis­se­mi­na­tion or other­wise making available, ali­gnment or com­bi­na­tion, rest­ric­tion, era­sure or destruction.

3. Rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing
“Rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing” means the mar­king of stored per­so­nal data with the aim of rest­ric­ting their future processing.

4. Pro­fil­ing
“Pro­fil­ing” means any auto­ma­ted pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data by using it to eva­luate cer­tain per­so­nal aspects rela­ting to a natu­ral per­son, in par­ti­cu­lar with a view to ana­ly­zing or pre­dic­ting aspects rela­ting to the per­for­mance of work, eco­no­mic situa­tion, health, per­so­nal pre­fe­ren­ces, inte­rests, relia­bi­lity, con­duct, loca­tion or move­ment of that natu­ral person.

5. Pseud­ony­miza­tion
“Pseud­ony­miza­tion” means the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data in such a way that the per­so­nal data can­not be attri­bu­ted to a spe­ci­fic data sub­ject wit­hout the inclu­sion of addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion, pro­vi­ded that this addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion is kept sepa­ra­tely and is sub­ject to tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal mea­su­res which ensure that the per­so­nal data can­not be attri­bu­ted to an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fia­ble natu­ral person.

6. File Sys­tem
“Fil­ing sys­tem” means any struc­tu­red coll­ec­tion of per­so­nal data acces­si­ble accor­ding to spe­ci­fic cri­te­ria, whe­ther cen­tra­li­zed, decen­tra­li­zed or orga­ni­zed accor­ding to func­tional or geo­gra­phi­cal criteria.

7. Respon­si­ble Party
“Respon­si­ble party” shall mean any natu­ral or legal per­son, public aut­ho­rity, agency or any other body which alone or jointly with others deter­mi­nes the pur­po­ses and means of the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data; where the pur­po­ses and means of such pro­ces­sing are deter­mi­ned by Union or natio­nal law, pro­vi­sion may be made for the respon­si­ble party or for the spe­ci­fic cri­te­ria for his or her desi­gna­tion in accordance with Union or natio­nal law.

8. Order Pro­ces­sor
“Order Pro­ces­sor” means any natu­ral or legal per­son, public aut­ho­rity, agency or other body which pro­ces­ses per­so­nal data on behalf of the respon­si­ble party.

9. Reci­pi­ent
“Reci­pi­ent” means any natu­ral or legal per­son, public aut­ho­rity, agency or other body to whom per­so­nal data are dis­c­lo­sed, whe­ther or not that per­son is a third party. Howe­ver, aut­ho­ri­ties which may receive per­so­nal data in the con­text of a spe­ci­fic inves­ti­ga­tion task under Union or Mem­ber State law shall not be con­side­red as reci­pi­ents; the pro­ces­sing of such data by those aut­ho­ri­ties shall be car­ried out in accordance with the appli­ca­ble data pro­tec­tion rules and in accordance with the pur­po­ses of the processing.

10. Third par­ties
“Third party” means any natu­ral or legal per­son, public aut­ho­rity, agency or any other body, other than the data sub­ject, the respon­si­ble party, the pro­ces­sor and the per­sons who, under the direct aut­ho­rity of the respon­si­ble party or the pro­ces­sor, are aut­ho­ri­zed to pro­cess the per­so­nal data

11. Con­sent
The data sub­jec­t’s “con­sent” shall mean any freely given spe­ci­fic, infor­med and unequi­vo­cal expres­sion of his or her wis­hes in the form of a decla­ra­tion or other unequi­vo­cal affir­ma­tive act by which the data sub­ject signi­fies his or her agree­ment to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data rela­ting to him or her.

Lawful­ness of the pro­ces­sing
The pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data is only lawful if there is a legal basis for the pro­ces­sing. Pur­su­ant to Article 6 para­graph 1 let­ters a — f DSGVO, the legal basis for pro­ces­sing may be, in particular

  1. the data sub­ject has given his or her con­sent to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning him or her for one or more spe­ci­fic purposes; 
  2. the pro­ces­sing is neces­sary for the per­for­mance of a con­tract to which the data sub­ject is party or for the imple­men­ta­tion of pre-con­trac­tual mea­su­res taken at the request of the data subject;
  3. pro­ces­sing is neces­sary for the pur­po­ses of com­ply­ing with a legal obli­ga­tion to which the respon­si­ble party is subject;
  4. pro­ces­sing is neces­sary to pro­tect the vital inte­rests of the data sub­ject or of ano­ther natu­ral person;
  5. the pro­ces­sing is neces­sary for the per­for­mance of a task car­ried out in the public inte­rest or in the exer­cise of offi­cial aut­ho­rity ves­ted in the respon­si­ble party
  6. pro­ces­sing is neces­sary in order to pro­tect the legi­ti­mate inte­rests of the respon­si­ble party or of a third party except where such inte­rests are over­ridden by the inte­rests or fun­da­men­tal rights and free­doms of the data sub­ject which require the pro­tec­tion of per­so­nal data, in par­ti­cu­lar where the data sub­ject is a child.

Infor­ma­tion on the coll­ec­tion of per­so­nal data 

  1. in the fol­lo­wing we inform about the coll­ec­tion of per­so­nal data when using our web­site. Per­so­nal data are e.g. name, address, e‑mail addres­ses, user behavior.
  2. when cont­ac­ting us by e‑mail or via a cont­act form, the data you pro­vide (your e‑mail address, your name and tele­phone num­ber, if appli­ca­ble) will be stored by us to ans­wer your ques­ti­ons. We delete the data ari­sing in this con­nec­tion after the sto­rage is no lon­ger neces­sary, or the pro­ces­sing is rest­ric­ted if there is a legal obli­ga­tion to retain data.

Coll­ec­tion of per­so­nal data when visi­ting our web­site
If you use the web­site for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only, i.e. if you do not regis­ter or other­wise pro­vide us with infor­ma­tion, we only coll­ect the per­so­nal data that your brow­ser sends to our ser­ver. If you would like to view our web­site, we coll­ect the fol­lo­wing data, which is tech­ni­cally neces­sary for us to dis­play our web­site and to ensure its sta­bi­lity and secu­rity (legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f DSGVO)

  • IP address
  • Date and time of the request
  • Time zone dif­fe­rence to Green­wich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Con­tent of the request (con­crete page)
  • Access Status/HTTP Sta­tus Code
  • Amount of data trans­fer­red in each case
  • Web­site from which the request comes
  • Brow­ser
  • Ope­ra­ting sys­tem and its interface
  • Lan­guage and ver­sion of the brow­ser software.

Use of cookies

  1. in addi­tion to the data men­tio­ned above, coo­kies are stored on your com­pu­ter when you use our web­site. Coo­kies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive in accordance with the brow­ser you are using, and which pro­vide cer­tain infor­ma­tion to the site that sets the coo­kie. Coo­kies can­not exe­cute pro­grams or trans­fer viru­ses to your com­pu­ter. They are used to make the web­site more user-fri­endly and effec­tive overall.
  2. This web­site uses the fol­lo­wing types of coo­kies, the scope and func­tion of which are explai­ned below:
  • Tran­si­ent coo­kies (see a.)
  • Per­sis­tent coo­kies (see b.).
  1. tran­si­ent coo­kies are auto­ma­ti­cally dele­ted when you close the brow­ser. This includes in par­ti­cu­lar the ses­sion coo­kies. These store a so-cal­led ses­sion ID, with which various requests of your brow­ser can be assi­gned to the com­mon ses­sion. This allows your com­pu­ter to be reco­gni­zed when you return to our web­site. The ses­sion coo­kies are dele­ted when you log out or close the browser.
  2. per­sis­tent coo­kies are auto­ma­ti­cally dele­ted after a spe­ci­fied period of time, which may vary depen­ding on the coo­kie. You can delete the coo­kies in the secu­rity set­tings of your brow­ser at any time.
  3. you can con­fi­gure your brow­ser set­tings accor­ding to your wis­hes and e.g. refuse to accept third-party coo­kies or all coo­kies. So-cal­led “third party coo­kies” are coo­kies that were set by a third party and the­r­e­fore not by the actual web­site on which you are curr­ently loca­ted. We would like to point out that by deac­ti­vat­ing coo­kies you may not be able to use all func­tions of this website.

Fur­ther func­tions and offers of our website 

  1. In addi­tion to the purely infor­ma­tive use of our web­site, we offer various ser­vices which you can use if you are inte­res­ted. For this pur­pose, you will gene­rally have to pro­vide addi­tio­nal per­so­nal data which we use to pro­vide the respec­tive ser­vice and to which the afo­re­men­tio­ned data pro­ces­sing prin­ci­ples apply.
  2. In some cases, we use exter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders to pro­cess your data. These have been carefully sel­ec­ted and com­mis­sio­ned by us, are bound by our ins­truc­tions and are che­cked regularly. 
  3. Fur­ther­more, we may pass on your per­so­nal data to third par­ties if we offer cam­paigns, com­pe­ti­ti­ons, the con­clu­sion of con­tracts or simi­lar ser­vices tog­e­ther with part­ners. You will receive more detailed infor­ma­tion on this when you pro­vide your per­so­nal data or in the descrip­tion of the offer below. (4) If our ser­vice pro­vi­ders or part­ners are based in a coun­try out­side the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area (EEA), we will inform you about the con­se­quen­ces of this cir­cum­s­tance in the descrip­tion of the offer.

Rights of the per­son concerned

(1)Revocation of con­sent
If the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data is based on a gran­ted con­sent, you have the right to revoke this con­sent at any time. Revo­ca­tion of con­sent does not affect the lawful­ness of the pro­ces­sing that has taken place on the basis of the con­sent until revo­ca­tion. You can cont­act us at any time to exer­cise your right of revocation.

(2)Right to con­fir­ma­tion
You have the right to request con­fir­ma­tion from the data con­trol­ler as to whe­ther we are pro­ces­sing per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you. You can request such con­fir­ma­tion at any time by cont­ac­ting us at the cont­act details given above.

(3)Right to infor­ma­tion
If per­so­nal data is pro­ces­sed, you can request infor­ma­tion about this per­so­nal data and about the fol­lo­wing infor­ma­tion at any time: 

  1. the pur­po­ses of processing;
  2. the cate­go­ries of per­so­nal data that are processed;
  3. the reci­pi­ents or cate­go­ries of reci­pi­ents to whom the per­so­nal data have been or will be dis­c­lo­sed, in par­ti­cu­lar in the case of reci­pi­ents in third count­ries or inter­na­tio­nal organizations;
  4. if pos­si­ble, the envi­sa­ged dura­tion for which the per­so­nal data will be stored or, if this is not pos­si­ble, the cri­te­ria for deter­mi­ning this duration;
  5. the exis­tence of a right of rec­ti­fi­ca­tion or era­sure of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you or of a right to have the pro­ces­sing limi­ted by the respon­si­ble party or to object to such processing 
  6. the exis­tence of a right of appeal to a super­vi­sory authority;
  7. if the per­so­nal data are not coll­ec­ted from the data sub­ject, all available infor­ma­tion on the ori­gin of the data; 
  8. the exis­tence of auto­ma­ted decis­ion-making, inclu­ding pro­fil­ing, in accordance with Article 22, para­graphs 1 and 4 FADP, and, at least in these cases, meaningful infor­ma­tion about the logic invol­ved and the scope and inten­ded impact of such pro­ces­sing on the data sub­ject. If per­so­nal data are trans­fer­red to a third coun­try or to an inter­na­tio­nal orga­niza­tion, you have the right to be infor­med of the appro­priate safe­guards pur­su­ant to Article 46 FADP in con­nec­tion with the trans­fer. We will pro­vide a copy of the per­so­nal data that is the sub­ject of the pro­ces­sing. We may charge a reasonable fee for any fur­ther copies you request of per­so­nal data on the basis of the admi­nis­tra­tive costs. If you make the request elec­tro­ni­cally, the infor­ma­tion must be pro­vi­ded in a stan­dard elec­tro­nic for­mat, unless the request sta­tes other­wise. The right to receive a copy in accordance with para­graph 3 shall not pre­ju­dice the rights and free­doms of other persons.

(4) Right to cor­rec­tion
You have the right to demand that we cor­rect any incor­rect per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you wit­hout delay. Taking into account the pur­po­ses of the pro­ces­sing, you have the right to request the com­ple­tion of incom­plete per­so­nal data, also by means of a sup­ple­men­tary declaration.

(5) Right to dele­tion (“Right to be for­got­ten”)
You have the right to demand that the per­son respon­si­ble for the data be imme­dia­tely dele­ted, and we are obli­ged to delete per­so­nal data imme­dia­tely if one of the fol­lo­wing reasons applies:

  1. the per­so­nal data is no lon­ger neces­sary for the pur­po­ses for which it was coll­ec­ted or other­wise processed
  2. the data sub­ject with­draws the con­sent on which the pro­ces­sing was based pur­su­ant to Article 6 para­graph 1 let­ter a or Article 9 para­graph 2 let­ter a FADP and there is no other legal basis for the processing.
  3. the data sub­ject lodges an objec­tion to the pro­ces­sing pur­su­ant to Article 21(1) FADP and there are no over­ri­ding legi­ti­mate reasons for the pro­ces­sing, or the data sub­ject lodges an objec­tion to the pro­ces­sing pur­su­ant to Article 21(2) FADP.
  4. the per­so­nal data have been pro­ces­sed unlawfully.
  5. dele­tion of the per­so­nal data is neces­sary to com­ply with a legal obli­ga­tion under Union law or the law of the Mem­ber Sta­tes to which the respon­si­ble party is subject
  6. the per­so­nal data has been coll­ec­ted in rela­tion to infor­ma­tion society ser­vices offe­red in accordance with Article 8(1) of the DPA If the respon­si­ble party has made the per­so­nal data public and is obli­ged to delete them pur­su­ant to para­graph 1, he shall take reasonable mea­su­res, inclu­ding tech­ni­cal mea­su­res, taking into account the available tech­no­logy and the imple­men­ta­tion costs, to inform data con­trol­lers who pro­cess the per­so­nal data that a data sub­ject has reques­ted that all links to such per­so­nal data or copies or repli­ca­ti­ons of such per­so­nal data be dele­ted. The right of can­cel­la­tion (“right to be for­got­ten”) does not apply inso­far as the pro­ces­sing is necessary:
  • to exer­cise the right to free­dom of expres­sion and information;
  • to com­ply with a legal obli­ga­tion to which the pro­ces­sing rela­tes under Union or natio­nal law to which the respon­si­ble party is sub­ject, or to per­form a task car­ried out in the public inte­rest or in the exer­cise of offi­cial aut­ho­rity ves­ted in the respon­si­ble party;
  • for reasons of public inte­rest rela­ting to public health pur­su­ant to Article 9(2)(h) and (i) and Article 9(3) of the DPA;
  • for archi­val, sci­en­ti­fic or his­to­ri­cal rese­arch pur­po­ses in the public inte­rest or for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­po­ses pur­su­ant to Article 89 para­graph 1 FADP, inso­far as the right refer­red to in para­graph 1 is likely to make the attain­ment of the objec­ti­ves of such pro­ces­sing impos­si­ble or seriously ham­per it, or 
  • to assert, exer­cise or defend legal claims.

(6) Right to rest­rict pro­ces­sing
You have the right to ask us to limit the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data if one of the fol­lo­wing con­di­ti­ons is met:

  1. the accu­racy of the per­so­nal data is dis­pu­ted by the data sub­ject, for a period of time that allows the respon­si­ble party to verify the accu­racy of the per­so­nal data
  2. the pro­ces­sing is unlawful and the data sub­ject refu­ses the dele­tion of the per­so­nal data and ins­tead requests the rest­ric­tion of the use of the per­so­nal data
  3. the respon­si­ble party no lon­ger needs the per­so­nal data for the pur­po­ses of the pro­ces­sing, but the data sub­ject needs them in order to exer­cise, exer­cise or defend legal claims; or
  4. the data sub­ject has lodged an objec­tion to the pro­ces­sing pur­su­ant to Article 21 (1) DPA as long as it is not yet clear whe­ther the legi­ti­mate reasons of the respon­si­ble party out­weigh those of the data sub­ject. If pro­ces­sing has been rest­ric­ted in accordance with the above con­di­ti­ons, such per­so­nal data — apart from being stored — shall be pro­ces­sed only with the con­sent of the data sub­ject or for the pur­pose of asser­ting, exer­cis­ing or defen­ding legal claims or pro­tec­ting the rights of ano­ther natu­ral or legal per­son or on grounds of an important public inte­rest of the Union or of a Mem­ber State. In order to exer­cise the right to limit the pro­ces­sing, the data sub­ject may at any time cont­act us at the cont­act details given above.

(7) Right to data trans­fera­bi­lity
You have the right to receive the per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you that you have pro­vi­ded us in a struc­tu­red, com­mon and machine-rea­da­ble for­mat and you have the right to trans­fer this data to ano­ther per­son in charge wit­hout inter­fe­rence from the per­son in charge to whom the per­so­nal data was pro­vi­ded, pro­vi­ded that:

  1. the pro­ces­sing is based on a con­sent pur­su­ant to Article 6 para­graph 1 let­ter a or Article 9 para­graph 2 let­ter a or on a con­tract pur­su­ant to Article 6 para­graph 1 let­ter b DSGVO and
  2. the pro­ces­sing is car­ried out using auto­ma­ted procedures.

When exer­cis­ing the right to trans­fer data in accordance with para­graph 1, you have the right to obtain that per­so­nal data be trans­fer­red directly from one respon­si­ble party to ano­ther respon­si­ble party, inso­far as this is tech­ni­cally fea­si­ble. Exer­cis­ing the right to data trans­fera­bi­lity does not affect the right to dele­tion (“right to be for­got­ten”). This right shall not apply to pro­ces­sing neces­sary for the per­for­mance of a task car­ried out in the public inte­rest or in the exer­cise of offi­cial aut­ho­rity ves­ted in the respon­si­ble party.

(8) Right of objec­tion
You have the right to object at any time, for reasons ari­sing from your par­ti­cu­lar situa­tion, to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you that is car­ried out on the basis of Article 6 para­graph 1 let­ters e or f FADP, inclu­ding pro­fil­ing based on these pro­vi­si­ons. The respon­si­ble party no lon­ger pro­ces­ses the per­so­nal data unless he can demons­trate com­pel­ling reasons for pro­ces­sing that are worthy of pro­tec­tion, which out­weigh the inte­rests, rights and free­doms of the data sub­ject, or unless the pro­ces­sing ser­ves to assert, exer­cise or defend legal claims.
Where per­so­nal data are pro­ces­sed for the pur­pose of direct mar­ke­ting, you have the right to object at any time to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data rela­ting to you for the pur­pose of such mar­ke­ting, inclu­ding pro­fil­ing, where it is lin­ked to such direct mar­ke­ting. If you object to pro­ces­sing for the pur­po­ses of direct mar­ke­ting, your per­so­nal data will no lon­ger be pro­ces­sed for those pur­po­ses.
In the con­text of the use of infor­ma­tion society ser­vices, and not­wi­th­stan­ding Direc­tive 2002/58/EC, you may exer­cise your right of objec­tion by means of auto­ma­ted pro­ce­du­res using tech­ni­cal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons.
You have the right to object, on grounds rela­ting to your par­ti­cu­lar situa­tion, to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data con­cer­ning you for the pur­po­ses of sci­en­ti­fic or his­to­ri­cal rese­arch or for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­po­ses, as refer­red to in Article 89(1), except where such pro­ces­sing is neces­sary for the per­for­mance of a task car­ried out in the public inte­rest. You may exer­cise your right of objec­tion at any time by cont­ac­ting the data con­trol­ler concerned.

(9) Auto­ma­ted decis­i­ons in indi­vi­dual cases inclu­ding pro­fil­ing
You have the right not to be sub­ject to a decis­ion based solely on auto­ma­ted pro­ces­sing — inclu­ding pro­fil­ing — which has legal effect on you or which signi­fi­cantly affects you in a simi­lar way. This shall not apply if the decision:

  1. is neces­sary for the con­clu­sion or per­for­mance of a con­tract bet­ween the data sub­ject and the respon­si­ble party
  2. is aut­ho­ri­zed by Union law or by the law of the Mem­ber Sta­tes to which the respon­si­ble party is sub­ject and that law con­ta­ins ade­quate mea­su­res to safe­guard the rights and free­doms and legi­ti­mate inte­rests of the data sub­ject; or
  3. with the express con­sent of the per­son concerned.

The respon­si­ble party shall take appro­priate mea­su­res to safe­guard the rights and free­doms and legi­ti­mate inte­rests of the data sub­ject, which shall include at least the right to obtain the inter­ven­tion of a per­son from the respon­si­ble party, to express his point of view and to chall­enge the decis­ion.
The data sub­ject may exer­cise this right at any time by cont­ac­ting the data controller.

(10) Right to appeal to a super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity
They shall also have, wit­hout pre­ju­dice to any other admi­nis­tra­tive or judi­cial remedy, the right to com­plain to a super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity, in par­ti­cu­lar in the Mem­ber State in which they are resi­dent, in their place of employ­ment or in the place where the alle­ged inf­rin­ge­ment occur­red, if the data sub­ject con­siders that the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data rela­ting to him or her is being car­ried out in breach of this Regulation.

(11) Right to an effec­tive judi­cial remedy
Wit­hout pre­ju­dice to any available admi­nis­tra­tive or ext­ra­ju­di­cial remedy, inclu­ding the right to appeal to a super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity pur­su­ant to Article 77 of the DPA, you have the right to an effec­tive judi­cial remedy if it con­siders that your rights under this Regu­la­tion have been inf­rin­ged as a result of the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data con­trary to this Regulation.

Ana­ly­sis tools and advertising 

Google Ana­ly­tics

This web­site uses func­tions of the web ana­ly­sis ser­vice Google Ana­ly­tics. The pro­vi­der is Google Ire­land Limi­ted (“Google”), Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ireland.

Google Ana­ly­tics uses so-cal­led “coo­kies”. These are text files which are stored on your com­pu­ter and which enable an ana­ly­sis of your use of the web­site. The infor­ma­tion gene­ra­ted by the coo­kie about your use of this web­site is usually trans­fer­red to a Google ser­ver in the USA and stored there.

The sto­rage of Google Ana­ly­tics coo­kies and the use of this ana­ly­sis tool are based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The web­site ope­ra­tor has a legi­ti­mate inte­rest in the ana­ly­sis of user beha­vior in order to opti­mize both his web­site and his adver­ti­sing. If a cor­re­spon­ding con­sent has been reques­ted (e.g. con­sent to the sto­rage of coo­kies), the pro­ces­sing is car­ried out exclu­si­vely on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO; the con­sent can be revo­ked at any time.

IP Anonymization 

We have acti­va­ted the IP anony­miza­tion func­tion on this web­site. This means that your IP address will be trun­ca­ted by Google within mem­ber sta­tes of the Euro­pean Union or in other signa­tory sta­tes to the Agree­ment on the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area before it is trans­mit­ted to the USA. Only in excep­tio­nal cases will the full IP address be trans­fer­red to a Google ser­ver in the USA and shor­tened there. On behalf of the ope­ra­tor of this web­site, Google will use this infor­ma­tion to eva­luate your use of the web­site, to com­pile reports on the web­site acti­vi­ties and to pro­vide fur­ther ser­vices to the web­site ope­ra­tor in con­nec­tion with the use of the web­site and the Inter­net. The IP address trans­mit­ted by your brow­ser within the scope of Google Ana­ly­tics is not com­bi­ned with other data from Google.

Brow­ser Plugin

You may refuse the use of coo­kies by sel­ec­ting the appro­priate set­tings on your brow­ser, howe­ver please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­tion­a­lity of this web­site. You can also pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of data gene­ra­ted by the coo­kie and rela­ted to your use of the web­site (inclu­ding your IP address) to Google and the pro­ces­sing of this data by Google by down­loa­ding and instal­ling the brow­ser plugin available under the fol­lo­wing link:

Objec­tion to data collection 

You can pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your data by Google Ana­ly­tics by cli­cking on the fol­lo­wing link An opt-out coo­kie will be set to pre­vent the coll­ec­tion of your infor­ma­tion on future visits to this site: Disable Google Ana­ly­tics.

For more infor­ma­tion on how Google Ana­ly­tics hand­les user data, please see the Google pri­vacy policy:

Order pro­ces­sing

We have con­cluded a con­tract with Google for order pro­ces­sing and fully imple­ment the strict requi­re­ments of the Ger­man data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties when using Google Analytics.

Demo­gra­phic cha­rac­te­ristics in Google Analytics 

This web­site uses the “demo­gra­phic fea­tures” fea­ture of Google Ana­ly­tics. This allows reports to be gene­ra­ted that con­tain infor­ma­tion about the age, gen­der and inte­rests of the site visi­tors. This data comes from inte­rest-based adver­ti­sing by Google as well as from visi­tor data from third par­ties. This data can­not be assi­gned to a spe­ci­fic per­son. You can disable this fea­ture at any time in the ad set­tings in your Google Account or gene­rally pro­hi­bit the coll­ec­tion of your data by Google Ana­ly­tics as descri­bed in the “Opting out of data coll­ec­tion” section.

Sto­rage period 

User and event-level data stored at Google that is lin­ked to coo­kies, user IDs (e.g., User ID) or adver­ti­sing IDs (e.g., Dou­ble­Click coo­kies, Android adver­ti­sing ID) is anony­mi­zed or dele­ted after 14 months. Details can be found under the fol­lo­wing link:


News­let­ter data 

If you would like to receive the news­let­ter offe­red on the web­site, we need an e‑mail address from you as well as infor­ma­tion that allows us to verify that you are the owner of the e‑mail address pro­vi­ded and that you agree to receive the news­let­ter. Fur­ther data will not be coll­ec­ted or only on a vol­un­t­ary basis. We use these data exclu­si­vely for sen­ding the reques­ted infor­ma­tion and do not pass them on to third parties.

The pro­ces­sing of the data ente­red in the news­let­ter regis­tra­tion form is based exclu­si­vely on your con­sent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). You can revoke your con­sent to the sto­rage of the data, the e‑mail address as well as its use for sen­ding the news­let­ter at any time, e.g. via the “unsub­scribe” link in the news­let­ter. The lega­lity of the data pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons alre­ady car­ried out remains unaf­fec­ted by the revocation.

The data you have pro­vi­ded us with for the pur­pose of sub­scrib­ing to the news­let­ter will be stored by us or the news­let­ter ser­vice pro­vi­der until you unsub­scribe from the news­let­ter and dele­ted from the news­let­ter dis­tri­bu­tion list after you have can­cel­led your sub­scrip­tion. Data that has been stored by us for other pur­po­ses remains unaffected.

After you have been remo­ved from the news­let­ter dis­tri­bu­tion list, your e‑mail address may be stored in a black­list by us or the news­let­ter ser­vice pro­vi­der to pre­vent future mai­lings. The data from the black­list will only be used for this pur­pose and will not be mer­ged with other data. This ser­ves both your inte­rest and our inte­rest in com­pli­ance with the legal requi­re­ments when sen­ding news­let­ters (legi­ti­mate inte­rest in the sense of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO). The sto­rage in the black­list is not limi­ted in time. You can object to the sto­rage if your inte­rests out­weigh our legi­ti­mate interest.


This web­site uses the ser­vices of MailChimp for sen­ding news­let­ters. Pro­vi­der is the Rocket Sci­ence Group LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.

MailChimp is a ser­vice that can be used to orga­nize and ana­lyze the sen­ding of news­let­ters. If you enter data for the pur­pose of recei­ving news­let­ters (e.g. e‑mail address), this data is stored on MailChimp ser­vers in the USA.

MailChimp is cer­ti­fied accor­ding to the “EU-US-Pri­vacy-Shield”. The “Pri­vacy-Shield” is an agree­ment bet­ween the Euro­pean Union (EU) and the USA, which is inten­ded to ensure com­pli­ance with Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion stan­dards in the USA.

With the help of MailChimp we can ana­lyze our news­let­ter cam­paigns. When you open an e‑mail sent with MailChimp, a file con­tai­ned in the e‑mail (so-cal­led web-bea­con) con­nects to the ser­vers of MailChimp in the USA. This way it can be deter­mi­ned whe­ther a news­let­ter mes­sage was ope­ned and which links were cli­cked on, if any. Tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion is also coll­ec­ted (e.g. time of retrie­val, IP address, brow­ser type and ope­ra­ting sys­tem). This infor­ma­tion can­not be assi­gned to the respec­tive news­let­ter reci­pi­ent. It is used exclu­si­vely for sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis of news­let­ter cam­paigns. The results of these ana­ly­ses can be used to bet­ter adapt future news­let­ters to the inte­rests of the recipients.

If you do not want to receive ana­ly­sis by MailChimp, you must unsub­scribe from the news­let­ter. For this pur­pose we pro­vide a link in every news­let­ter mes­sage. You can also unsub­scribe directly on the website.

The data pro­ces­sing is based on your con­sent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). You can revoke this con­sent at any time by unsub­scrib­ing the news­let­ter. The lega­lity of the data pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons that have alre­ady taken place remains unaf­fec­ted by the revocation.

The data you have pro­vi­ded us with for the pur­pose of sub­scrib­ing to the news­let­ter will be stored by us or the news­let­ter ser­vice pro­vi­der until you unsub­scribe from the news­let­ter and dele­ted from the news­let­ter dis­tri­bu­tion list after you have can­cel­led your sub­scrip­tion. Data that has been stored by us for other pur­po­ses remains unaffected.

After you have been remo­ved from the news­let­ter dis­tri­bu­tion list, your e‑mail address may be stored in a black­list by us or the news­let­ter ser­vice pro­vi­der to pre­vent future mai­lings. The data from the black­list will only be used for this pur­pose and will not be mer­ged with other data. This ser­ves both your inte­rest and our inte­rest in com­pli­ance with the legal requi­re­ments when sen­ding news­let­ters (legi­ti­mate inte­rest in the sense of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO). The sto­rage in the black­list is not limi­ted in time. You can object to the sto­rage if your inte­rests out­weigh our legi­ti­mate interest.

You can find more details in the pri­vacy policy of MailChimp at:

Con­clu­sion of a Data-Processing-Agreement

We have signed a so-cal­led “Data-Pro­ces­sing-Agree­ment” with MailChimp, in which we com­mit MailChimp to pro­tect the data of our cus­to­mers and not to pass them on to third parties.



Schu­ckertstrasse 3
48153 Müns­ter


Phone: +49 251 14120–0
Fax: +49 251 14120–15
Mon — Fri 8:00 — 17:00


Do you have any ques­ti­ons or are you loo­king for a regio­nal retailer of our pro­ducts? Would you like some advice on how to find the right down pro­duct for you? Then get in touch with us.


Pri­vacy Policy

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