Good care for an artwork of nature

Long lasting joy

Due to its light and filigree struc­ture you will hardly notice the weight of a sin­gle down on your hand. It is an art­work of nature and actually much too good to hide in a blan­ket. Good care helps to keep it that way for you to enjoy your duvet for a long time.

Care instructions

The down of HANSKRUCHEN is washa­ble. Pay atten­tion to the care ins­truc­tions. We recom­mend clea­ning by a spe­cia­li­zed laun­dry ser­vice. Here your duvets will be ide­ally clea­ned in spe­cial washing procedures.


Shake up

We recom­mend you shake your duvet lightly every day so that the down can return to its ori­gi­nal form.

Brushing off

If neces­sary, brush your duvet off lightly. The down com­forter must not be bea­ten or vacu­u­med, other­wise down will escape to the outside.



Air your com­forter regu­larly. Avoid direct sun­light and damp wea­ther (fog and rain).


Wash properly

Washa­ble up to 60°C in washing machi­nes for more than 7kg (down/wool deter­gent, tumble dryer max. 5kg, put ten­nis ball in the dryer to loo­sen up).



Schu­ckertstrasse 3
48153 Müns­ter


Phone: +49 251 14120–0
Fax: +49 251 14120–15
Mon — Fri 8:00 ‑17:00


Do you have any ques­ti­ons or are you loo­king for a regio­nal retailer of our pro­ducts? Would you like some advice on how to find the right down pro­duct for you? Then get in touch with us.


Pri­vacy Policy

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