Due to recent events we have expan­ded our pro­duct range.

We now also pro­duce mouth-nose masks made of cot­ton. Of course, our core assort­ment remains available, too.

With this mea­sure we would like to con­tri­bute our part to stop the spread of the virus.
The pro­duc­tion starts in the next days. We donate part of the reve­nue to the Cle­mens Hos­pi­tal in Münster.

Stay healthy!


Here you can down­load our flyer for end customers:

Flyer end customers

Here you can down­load our flyer for busi­ness customers:

Flyer busi­ness customers



Schu­ckertstrasse 3
48153 Müns­ter


Phone: +49 251 14120–0
Fax: +49 251 14120–15
E‑Mail: sales@hanskruchen.de
Mon — Fri 8:00 ‑17:00


Do you have any ques­ti­ons or are you loo­king for a regio­nal retailer of our pro­ducts? Would you like some advice on how to find the right down pro­duct for you? Then get in touch with us.


Pri­vacy Policy

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